RLP Encoding is an way to serialize and deserialize lists of data. The Ethereum Wiki contains some excellent information about this. The page talks a lot about strings, but in practice that usually means a byte array, not a text string. This was a bit confusing for me at first. The encoding of a byte array works like this:
- if it is a single byte with a value between 0x00 and 0x7f, we just append it
- if it is 0-55 bytes long, we append 0x80 + length and then the bytes
- if it is > 55 bytes, we append 0xb7 then number of bytes in the length of the bytes, the length and after that the bytes
The encoding of a list works like this:
- if the list is 0-55 bytes long, we append 0xc0 + length and then the list
- if the list is >55 bytes, we append 0xf7 + number of bytes in the length of the list, the length and then the list
Using the sample python code in the documentation it was fairly simple to create a function to RLP encode data:
function rlpEncode (input: Buffer | Buffer[]): Buffer {
const toBinary = (x: number): Uint8Array => x === 0 ? new Uint8Array() :
toBinary(Math.floor(x / 256)),
new Uint8Array([x % 256])
const encodeLength = (length: number, offset: number): Uint8Array => {
if (length < 56) return new Uint8Array([length + offset]);
const binaryLength = toBinary(length);
return Buffer.concat([
new Uint8Array([binaryLength.length + offset + 55]),
if (input instanceof Buffer) {
if (input.length === 1 && input[0] < 0x80) return input;
return Buffer.concat([encodeLength(input.length, 0x80), input]);
const output = Buffer.concat(input.map(buffer => rlpEncode(buffer)));
return Buffer.concat([encodeLength(output.length, 0xc0), output]);